
Hacking Agency Compensation”

Anomaly is no stranger to press having heralded several “Agency of the Year” recognitions over the agency’s lifetime. But in case this name is unfamiliar, Anomaly is self-described as a “new model agency” with a sizable portion of their income generated from investments of both intellectual and financial capital between new products and agency-owned IP.

In an article by Tim Williams focused on agency positioning, Tim quotes Jason DeLand, Anomaly’s founding partner and global CEO, having said:

“It’s almost impossible to innovate your business model if you think you sell time.”

Furthering his point, Tim links Deland to a SlideShare Anomaly published in 2013. This presentation takes a direct path from why you should adjust your compensation model to what other models exist, listing the benefits of each. Spoiler alert, tracking time is not one of them. Slides 9-11 provide some humor to the topic, but tackle a very real conversation around the value of ideas – something DeLand is passionate about.

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